Saturday, July 19, 2008

Originally Posted: June 15, 2008

Title: John McCain: Blog 1

With the upcoming elections I have had numerous conservatives and Republicans ask me if I will be voting for or support John McCain for President. Before anything else let me say I appreciate Senator McCain's military service. John McCain is a war hero and is deserving of our gratitude and respect.

However, as a conservative and as one who believes in a limited constitutional government, I cannot and will not support or vote for John McCain. Our political views are just too different for me to support Senator McCain. In this, my first blog about McCain, I will show two of the numerous reasons I will not be casting my vote for McCain.

Those of you reading this who follow politics probably already know what I am about to say: McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy. If the national Republican party was still a truly conservative party these two bills would have been a fatal blow to the senator's presidential hopes.

Along with many individuals in this country I am concerned with the grossly ignored problem of illegal immigration. So what was the Republican Presidential hopeful's answer to the problem? Get together with one of the most socialist liberal senators and offer the illegals amnesty. Senator Kennedy said of the bill, ""Those who have lived here, who have basically played by the rules, worked hard . . . they, I believe, ought to be able to adjust their status," Am I the only to realize that entering the country illegally is not "playing by the rules"? I am not for amnesty for illegal aliens – John McCain is. Thankfully, after the American people heard and understood this bill the outcry was so loud the bill never became law.

Secondly, McCain-Feingold, The bill that denies free speech and ignores the first amendment, is an accomplishment for the senator. While this bill is disguised in the words of "soft money" and "527-oranizaitons" the bill basically limits some organizations from purchasing political ads within a certain period of time before an election. Evidently Senator McCain believes the government has the right to tell organizations when they can exercise their right of free speech. John McCain believes in trampling on free speech and ignoring the first amendment – I do not.

These two bills alone are enough to have me vow to never vote for McCain. Sadly there are other things and I will look at these on my next blog. Oh – and before I end this I should not fail to point out that both of these bills were supported by President George w. Bush with McCain-Feingold being signed into law.

I look forward to hearing from my conservative friends. Perhaps those of you who support McCain can convince me to rethink my stance. I seriously doubt it, but you can try.

Let the debating begin…
Originally Posted: Saturday, May 03, 2008

Title: The Norfolk Tides, Baltimore Orioles and God

I just returned for a Norfolk Tides baseball game and it made me think. As much as I root for the Tides and cheer them on, the Norfolk Tides do not exist to win games. For those of you unfamiliar with baseball, let me explain, and if you don't like sports just bear with me for a minute.

The Norfolk Tides are the AAA "Farm Team" for the Major League Baseball team Baltimore Orioles. Every major league team has an A league farm team, AA league farm team and AAA league farm team. If a player is good enough in the A league they move to AA and if they continue to play well to AAA and eventually into the major leagues.
While I get caught up in the game and cheer for the Tides I often fail to remember that the Norfolk Tides exist for one reason and one reason only: To train players who will help the Baltimore Orioles. If a player is doing great for the Tides he doesn't stay to help Norfolk win games. He is "called up" to play for the Baltimore Orioles and help them win games. The wins and losses for the Norfolk Tides don't really matter. As long as they provide quality players to the Baltimore Orioles they have done their job.

So what does this have to do you with you, me and God? How often do we forget that we exist for one reason and one reason only? We exist to glorify God. Our wins and losses don't matter. Our failures and our victories don't matter. If we glorify God with our lives and what we do then what happens to us doesn't matter.

Jesus Himself realized this. Remember as He knew His time was drawing near to die he said, ""Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!"" (John 10:27-28) He came to glorify His Father's Name. In Matthew 5:16 Jesus said, "…Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Why should we do good deeds? To bring our Father praise and to glorify His name.

We continue in the Bible and see 1 Peter 4:11 which says, "…If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ…." 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

In his letter to the Romans Paul wrote, "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus," (Romans 15:5) Why does Paul pray for endurance and encouragement for his Brothers and Sisters in Rome? So they will feel better? No. He says, "so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 15:6) The endurance and encouragement is to bring the Father glory.

We live in a very me-centered culture. Take care of yourself because no one else will and look out for number one. How often we forget that we exist for one reason – to glorify God. I pray that all my wins and losses glory God. All my pain and suffering – may it glorify God. After all, that is the reason I exist and the sooner I remember that fact the sooner I'll stop worrying about me and will concentrate of what I'm here to do: Glorify my Father.

Just like the Norfolk Tides exist to benefit the Baltimore Orioles and not themselves we exist to glorify God and not ourselves.
May all I do glorify the King!

*All verses are NIV
Originally Posted: Monday, November 26, 2007

Title: Not so funny anymore

Everyone who knows me knows I am a big sports fan. As the NFL season starts getting down to the last few weeks of the regular season it seems all the better. There's nothing quite like watching a rivalry game or watching a team trying to make the playoffs. And what's better than watching the Steelers win against the Cleveland Clowns…errr, Browns – excuse me.

However, the one thing that annoys me about watching sports on TV is the insane amount of commercials. If you've ever watched a game on TV you know there are a large amount of commercials for alcohol during each and every game. Budweiser and other beer makers are known for their funny and creative commercials. I've laughed at many alcohol commercials. Lately, however, I've started to be more and more annoyed by these commercials.

So many of their commercials are filled with good looking, young men and women having a good time while enjoying one of their alcoholic beverages. They have a great way of making alcohol look like a drink for a fun occasion and making alcohol seem like it's for the "cool" people of the world. Alcohol seems funny when you are laughing at their commercials.

Why doesn't Budweiser or another beer company show a commercial of a guy with a big beer belly chugging down another drink at the bar while trying to "drown his sorrows"? Or why don't they show one of these situations in their ads…………

- A man whose wife and children left him because he spends every night drinking.
- A family who is going hungry because all the family income is spent on alcohol.
- The tears of a young girl who was just abused by her drunken mother.
- The reaction of a mother who just found out her son was killed by a drunk driver.
- The face of the man who wakes up from his drunken stupor to find out he lashed out and hit the wife he loves while he was drunk.
- The fear in the face of a young boy who is scared of his drunken father.

Or better yet maybe they should get the families together of the 16,885 people who were killed by a drunk driver in 2005. I'm sure the family of these people would be glad to tell you how "cool and fun" it is to drink if they can stop crying long enough. And why doesn't the alcohol company ever mention the approximately three million violent crimes (including rapes and sexual assaults; robberies; and aggravated and simple assaults) that occur each year in which the victims perceive the offender to have been drinking at the time of the offense? I guess that wouldn't be too funny now, would it?

I know many people reading my blog will say, "I only drink responsibly" and "I would never do 'anything like that'". Perhaps that is the case, but I don't ever want to take that chance. I also don't ever want to give one penny to a company that has helped destroy some many lives.

I've seen and laughed at countless beer commercials but when I start looking at the statistics they just don't seem as funny anymore.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Originally Posted: September 20, 2007

Title: Joy To The World!

Yes, I know Christmas is still several months away, but it made for a good title.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the subject of joy. It seems like most of us, myself included, miss out on a lot of the pleasures in life that God has given to us.

Think about the beginning of the world. After each one of the six days of creation God said "it was good." In Genesis 2:8 it says the trees were "pleasing to the eye" and when Eve was hanging around the forbidden fruit tree the Bible says the fruit was also "pleasing to the eye." If we simply look around at the beauty of the world today we can only imagine the magnificent views and beauty the world had before thousands of years of sin and decay. Now while the Bible doesn't say this and it's strictly my imagination I can almost picture God saying "They're going to like this" as He created the world. From the start of the world our Lord was making things beautiful for us.

In Jeremiah 32:41 God says "Oh how I'll delight in doing good things for them!" (The Message) At the start of God's dialog He says how He will allow Babylon to capture Israel because of their sins, but He then says starts talking about He will restore them and how He will delight in this. I think it's amazing how the Lord, almighty God, Creator of heaven of earth will take delight in restoring His people. And in this verse God says He delights in doing good things for His people!

And talk about doing good things – In Luke 2:10 an angel tells the shepherds, "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." God once again comes to the rescue of His people – this time by sending His Son to die for our sins.

Too often I think we miss "love notes" from the Lord. Perhaps every morning when we wake up to the sun shining it's one of God's ways to say "Good morning. I love you." And even when it's raining in the morning, maybe it's God's way of saying, "Good morning. Today I'm allowing your water to refresh and your food to grow. I love you."

Perhaps when we get together as Christians and have fun, when we laugh and just enjoy being together, God is saying, "Have fun together. I love y'all." Okay, so maybe God doesn't say "y'all" but you get my point. Much like a parent who will take his or her child somewhere just so they will have fun maybe God allows us to go places, just to have fun. I believe that just like a parent enjoys watching their children opening up a Christmas or birthday gift and seeing the happiness in their face God enjoy giving us gifts and watching us enjoy them.

So maybe you and I should try to be more receptive to our Heavenly Father's "love notes." Perhaps we should even say thank you every now and then. And maybe we should even say "I love You" back to Him. In fact, I've been trying over the past month to say "I love You" to Him at least once a day. I urge you to try it – It's amazing what it can do.