Title: Sarah Palin
The political arena and much of America is abuzz over John McCain’s recent choice of Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential candidate.
Ever since the announcement I have heard numerous and very different opinions on his choice. Some have called the choice brilliant and Rush Limbaugh is excited by the pick saying “It's a great pick.” On the other side of the argument, Michael Savage has gone so far as to ask if John McCain is throwing the election saying, “Why else would he chose an inexperienced woman, whose only apparent qualification is that she won a beauty pageant in the 1980s?”
Both arguments have some very interesting points.
First on the Rush Limbaugh Republican side there is no doubt the pick has energized some Republicans who have been upset by the nomination of John McCain. Many evangelicals are happy with the choice of a candidate who touts a strong pro-life stance and it gives many of them a reason to compromise strongly held views by voting for McCain.
On the Michael Savage side of the coin we have many individuals asking why McCain would pick someone without much experience after making his experience a major point in his campaign. Michael Savage echoes the ideas of some Republicans and political pundits when saying, “McCain, in defiance of all logic, undermined his strong suit by selecting a political neophyte who waters down his key advantage over Obama.” (http://www.michaelsavage.com/)
My opinion on why McCain chose Palin is best explained in points one and two in an article on politico by Jim Vandehei and John F. Harris who list “6 things Palin pick says about McCain.” The first two things listed in the article (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0808/12997.html) are, “He’s desperate” and “He’s willing to gamble – Bigtime”. John McCain must know he is losing in the polls and is behind in my battleground states, including Virginia which has a recent record of voting Republican in Presidential elections. The authors compare his pick to a “Hail Mary pass in football.” The campaign is willing to take a gamble because they realize there is nothing to lose. McCain doesn’t have time to play it safe. It’s time to throw the ball deep and see if a miracle can happen. Will it work? Personally, I doubt it, but only time will tell.
The best word to describe my feelings on his choice is indifference. Her becoming the Vice Presidential candidate does not change any of McCain’s position of which I have strong disagreements. The Vice President simply does not have enough influence or power for me to vote for John McCain becuase of Sarah Palin. I could not stomach a vote for John McCain if I myself were on the bottom half of the ticket. If Sarah Palin was the Presidential nomination I would have a more difficult time deciding between her and Chuck Baldwin. Sadly, the Presidential nominee is still John McCain and I will not vote for someone I believe will lead the country down the wrong path. I will not take the bait that McCain is dangling in front me.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
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